Monday, May 19, 2008

What a Difference 6 Months make

Currently Playing: Stop and Stare by OneRepublic

If someone told me 6 months ago that I'll be looking for another job now, I'd say it was impossible. Heng no one said that then. haha.

Let's see... what was it that all added up?

- Departure of mentor manager
- Cutting down of department activity scope (part 1)
- Cutting down of department established strength
- Cutting down of department activity scope (part 2)
- Departure of knowledgable, approachable, motivating director
- Arrival of fresh, demanding, stubborn and unmotivating senior director
- Significantly reduced chance of getting additional work-related training
- Reduced chance of getting promoted
- Realisation that this position would not be able to give me a greater challenge once all this nonsense is over

in chronological order, but each subsequent step became yet a bigger push factor than the previous one.

I think I'm moving but I go nowhere

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