It's been 3 years since 1 Oct 2002 when the 1st bombs were set off in Bali. 9 months later, my good frens and I went for a 5D holiday there, and were met with many (empty) stalls selling "FUCK terrorist" T-shirts... if anything, a pissed-off way to try to earn their lost living. I wish I had the nerve then to buy one of those shirts home.
Still, the trip there was great, notwithstanding that it was one of the rare baggage-less trips I've had with frens. The people were all nice and frenly, from hotel staff to stall holders, save for one indian lady who refused to let go of my arm unless i, her 1st morning customer, bought a cap (kok had to pull me out of her grasp). We went surfing (resulting in injuries), white water rafting, volcano visiting, bargain shopping, cablevision watching and mass sleeping-together (haha). The only thing that warranted complaints was the food: Mac's and Dunkin' Donuts were ranked as our favourite food there.
And in a chilling light, restaurants were blown up this time.
Today's Today newspaper printed the grotesque photos of the 3 suicide bombers' severed heads, while yesterday's New Paper printed one of the heads with corresponding left arm. Identified as Indonesian, their 3 faces are unblemished by the blasts, thus regconisable, only distorted by expressions of death.
Us ordinary folks might be appalled by the photos... considering them grotesque and thinking it is a horrible fate to be blown up; but that was wat exactly these 3 men wanted. To be exploded up, along with the people who just happened to be around them.
Currently, the world in general uses "civilised" methods to deal with such terrorists: we conduct long hearings to prove them guilty and throw them in jail for long sentences, or worse, we hang/shoot/electrocute them. To us, that is the worst we can do, fairly and humanely.
But what does a person who's willing to blow himself to bits so as to become a martyr in the other world think of all this? The terrorist dubbed "the smiling bomber" should give us a clue. I forgot his name, but this nickname was given coz during such a court hearing to prove him guilty of the 1st Bali bombings, he was smiling all the way. It was probably all a joke to him. He's prepared to die... so wat's a jail sentence to him?
So, what's the impact of our civilised methods in stopping terrorism nowadays? we spend tons of money and resources to stop them from dying (and taking plenty of others with them), throw them into jail for a fized amount of time, spending more money on their food and other necessities, and hope that when they are released in years to come, they give up their old ways and be good citizens.
But what i forsee is in prison, they meet others who have also fallen afoul of the ruling law of the land; who probably wldn't mind causing some destruction to civilised society if they had the means. So they mix around and in time to come, we have more bombers just waiting to be released back into society when the time, that we have given them, is up. This is unless the terrorists are kept in solitary confinement their whole sentences. but one day, when released, they may still have the desire to blow people up.
There has to be another way to stem these acts of terrorism; and we cannot use the same old ways to deal with them. They are not murderers, with a specific target. They did not manslaughter, with no motive. They are modern-day terrorists, only seen before in recent times. Thus new enemies call for new weapons of deterence. Yup, I'm about to propose something controversial.
Since death is of little consequence for these terrorists, once they sign up, we have to deter them from signing up. And since the worst punishment we can mete out to them is death, which they already want, we have to hit them where it hurts: their families.
I'm not advocating killing innocents to stop them from killing innocents... no killing is involved here. My suggestion is to still try these terrorists for whatever crimes they are found guilty of, through our long processes, but also slap charges on all their immediate family members: parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, children: anyone directly related to them by blood.
The charge would be of "harbouring a known terrorist". These terrorists, unfortunately, seem largely of Asian descent, and with Asian descent comes strong family ties. It would be impossible for an immediate family member to not know what their relative had been up to, if in constant contact and especially living under the same roof. For this deterrent to work, once the terrorist is found guilty, the immediate family would be automatically guilty as well.
The aim here is to DETER anyone from signing up to be a terrorist: so this must be made public. I propose all the family members be seperated and all placed in isolation, except the children. The adults will be made to do hard labour, and work for their food and other necessities. For the children, they should be cared for by the state, educated by mainstream means and taught that this fate that befell their families was brought upon by their terrorist relative, who sought to kill innocents. This is so that they grow up to be good citizens, have the right thinking and condemn terrorism as well.
Sentences should be carried out concurrently, and family members be released the same time the criminal is due to be released. This will let the family reunite, with lessons learnt. It is hoped that the former terrorist, after learning of the hardship he brought his loved ones, renounces his old ways; for if he chooses to follow that path again, the same will follow for his loved ones, regardless of whether he lives or not.
This should be made public and examples should be documented in mainstream media, so everyone wld know wat fate befalls a terrorist and his family. After all, everyone will have someone related to him by blood. This can apply to anyone who is involved in terrorist activities, alive or already blown to bits at the time of trial. With this, hopefully we can deter people from joining terrorist groups and thus stem the senseless, purposeless violence and bloodshed.
misa said:
I don't really agree with your alternative method of dealing with the terrorists.
Some of these terrorists might be estranged from their families. Doing what they do, that's quite likely... and to condemn the families are like a punishment for a mistake that they have never committed. (The only mistake is probably to have given birth to the terrorists)
Anyways, it's quite naive to say that once we punish their families, they will cry, repent and turn over a new leaf. They are hard core militants that don't think twice about killing people. They will not be easily swayed in fulfilling their purpose on earth.
Seriously, i doubt that this would be of a deterring factor at all. It would just prove to them how cruel the western power is. It'll probably renew their efforts at terrorist activities.
Btw, i have absolutely no idea how to stop the terrorist acts so, keep the suggestions coming... heh
It's meant more to be a heavy deterrence rather than a punishment. they might not turn over a new leaf, but at least ppl will start to think twice before joining.
as for those who are already inside and estranged from their families... as i said, need examples for the deterrence to work.
the aim is not to stop the attacks from happening now, but to stem future ones.
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